STEPS FOR THIS SETUP PROCEDURES: ================================ 1. Your Frontend Mailer must already be installed and running. I also have various documentations on setting-up Mailers. 2. Make sure all the needed fileareas are setup on your BBS. 3. To get started, you need to download the Allfix! program files from any BBS close to you. (i) For Wildcat! BBS setup, you need a shareware copy of Allfix! v1.10+ for Wildcat! BBS, or higher version when available. Filename: AFX!110E.ZIP Filesize: 679k Available on my BBS for first time caller download and can be FREQ from my system at 1:278/111 with above filename or MagicName of: ALLFIXWC (ii) For All other BBS setup, you need a shareware copy of Universal Allfix! v4.33, or higher version when available. Filename: AFIX433.ZIP Filesize: 756k Available on my BBS for first time caller download and can be FREQ from my system at 1:278/111 with above filename or MagicName of: ALLFIX 4. Read the README.TXT and AFIXSET.TXT files that included with this setup documentation package and follow all the instructions. Print all the necessary documentations for handy reference. 5. Install your Allfix! v1.10 for Wildcat! in a directory called \ALLFIX, example: C:\ALLFIX and then create or make the following sub-directories under the above \ALLFIX directory. Our example is using drive C: but you can subsitute this for any drive you intend to use, just make sure all the directory name are the same... you can change the drive letter reference later. Uncompress the TEMPLATE.ZIP or TEMPLATE.RAR etc that came in Allfix program package into C:\ALLFIX\TEMPLATE\ directory. Make the following sub-directories: C:\ALLFIX\ C:\ALLFIX\TICS-OUT\ C:\ALLFIX\FILE-OUT\ C:\ALLFIX\AFIX-REC\ C:\ALLFIX\BAD-TICS\ C:\ALLFIX\AFIXDUPE\ C:\ALLFIX\AUTO-ADD\ C:\ALLFIX\TAGFILES\ C:\ALLFIX\TEMP\ C:\ALLFIX\TEMPLATE\ C:\ALLFIX\BILLINGS\ C:\ALLFIX\OLD-BILL\ 6. Copy over all the files in this archive into the C:\ALLFIX directory and overwrite any setup file(s) you already have in this directory. The batch files with *.BAT extension may need editing or modifications. Then start ASETUP.EXE in C:\ALLFIX directory to modify your settings. The following files are enclosed in this archive: README.TXT -- Part of this setup for what to do. AFIXSET.TXT -- This setup documentation. Print and read carefully. AFIXTOSS.BAT -- Sample batch file to toss your files with Allfix. BASIC4.BAT -- Sample batch file to re-index or fix Allfix database. SATELITE.NA -- Fileecho List for Planet Connect specific files. FILEBONE.NA -- Fileecho List for Active FidoNet Filebone. FILEBONE.NO -- Fileecho List for Non-Active FidoNet Filebone. FILEDUPE.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. STATFILE.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. TOBEREP.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. SETUP.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. AREAS.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. REPORTS.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. FAREAS.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. GRPFILE.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. HATCH.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. MGICFILE.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. NEWFILES.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. NODEFILE.FIX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. STATFILE.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. TOBEREP.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. AREAS.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. REPORTS.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. FAREAS.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. GRPFILE.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. HATCH.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. MGICFILE.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. NEWFILES.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. NODEFILE.IDX -- Allfix database files. Do not edit with text editor. SETUP.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. AREAS.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. REPORTS.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. FAREAS.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. HATCH.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. MGICFILE.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. GRPFILE.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. NEWFILES.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. NODEFILE.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. ECHOLIST.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. TAGLIST.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. NODEECHO.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. DESTDIRS.TXT -- Allfix exported database files. You may view this. 7. Adjust or modify the batch files (BASIC4.BAT & AFIXTOSS.BAT) enclosed in this packaged so as to fit or suit your drive letter and sub-directory setup of your system. AFIXTOSS.BAT --> This is the batch file you will run to make Allfix toss your files each time you receive files from your HUB. You will need to incorporate this batch into the batch file that starts your Frontend Mailer, so that it will run automatically when you poll your HUB and receive files. Note: If you are using Planet Connect, you may need to modify AFIXTOSS.BAT to move the files from your Planet Connect inbound/received files directory to the \ALLFIX\INBOUND\ directory, or you can just point your Inbound Files path directory in Allfix filenames/path setup to the actual Planet Connect Inbound directory. BASIC4.BAT --> This batch file ONLY need to be run when you want to fix your database. You do not need to run this batch file unless you want to fix your database. I have enclosed this for sample purposes only. I personally run this batch file whenever I make any changes to my Allfix setup with ASETUP.EXE but it's not neccessary unless your database is corrupted or you need to re-index your database. 8. If you are running regular or universal Allfix for other BBS software you may want to change the color of your Allfix to the regular color by selecting System Data, then Miscellaneous, then ASETUP colors, then Homrighausen, and save your setting. Then you should exit ASETUP.EXE totally and then restart ASETUP.EXE and you should have the regular Allfix setup colors. This setup files will come with Wildcat! BBS default color setup and you may not like this. If you are running Wildcat! BBS, do nothing!. 9. For those running universal Allfix for other BBS setup, (not Wildcat!) you must first run FCOMP.EXE to import your fileareas from your BBS into Allfix database. Below is the help capture by running FCOMP /? FCOMP BBS file area compiler for ALLFIX v4.33 Copyright (C) 1992,96 by Harms Software Eng., All rights reserved. Usage: FCOMP BBS type: 0 - RemoteAccess 1.11 16 - SearchLight 1 - SuperBBS 17 - TBBS (enter complete filename) 2 - QuickBBS 18 - LoraBBS 2.40 3 - Maximus 19 - Telegard 3.0 4 - Ezycom 20 - TriBBS 10.x 5 - ProBoard 21 - SynchroNet BBS 2.x 6 - RemoteAccess 2.xx 22 - Maximus 3.0 7 - Renegade 4.16 8 - PCBoard 15.2 9 - SpitFire 10 - Telegard 2.7 11 - TriBBS 5.x 12 - EzyCom 1.10 13 - TAG 14 - Renegade ?.?? 15 - RemoteAccess 2.5x Example to import filearea from TriBBS v10.x is: FCOMP 20 C:\TRIBBS Note: FCOMP.EXE utility is not included with Allfix v1.10 for Wildcat!.